Often times a clients can win or lose their case due to the doctors they are seeing and the tests that are or are not done. If for example a person has severe back pain and just goes to a primary care doctor and all that doctor does is provide pain medications, most likely the chances of winning will not be great. If however, a client goes to a primary doctor and then gets referred to specialists and gets all the proper testing to prove that there is, in fact, a severe medical condition that affects workability, the chances of winning will increase. For example, if you have a severe back injury, make sure you get to an orthopedic get an MRI and possibly an EMG (if you have numbness and tingling in arms or legs).
If you have a severe mental issue, on the other hand, get and stay in mental health treatment if you have not yet done so. Make sure you are telling your therapist and psychiatrist or psychologist all of your mental issues and the reason you have them.
Often times a person is afraid to tell the doctor all of there symptoms in the fear it can create a new problem. If your symptoms are not documented in the medical records, it is like a tree falling in the woods when no one is around…no one hears it so it is almost like it never happened. If your symptoms are not well documented in the medical evidence, most often you don’t have those symptoms in the eyes of the judge and your chances of winning may decrease as a result.